and the subcutaneous tissue above the incision line was removed too much, resulting in multiple adhesions between the skin and meibomian.
3. Dislocation suture and not according to arc suture.
How to repair three eyelids after cutting double eyelids?
If the eyelid changes to three eyelids after double eyelid incision, the following repair methods can be implemented according to the degree of severity:
1. Mild third eyelid: the early three eyelids can disappear after natural detumescence; the upper edge skin of incision can also be pulled by hand for 2 to 3 months to make it loose and droop, and cover the excess double eyelid line.
2. Severe third eyelid: severe cases should be treated with double eyelid failure repair surgery,按原切口切口切口,剥除并消除皱纹,切口下缘皮肤向上越过原睑板与皮肤粘连缝合。
and the subcutaneous tissue above the incision line was removed too much, resulting in multiple adhesions between the skin and meibomian.
3. Dislocation suture and not according to arc suture.
How to repair three eyelids after cutting double eyelids?
If the eyelid changes to three eyelids after double eyelid incision, the following repair methods can be implemented according to the degree of severity:
1. Mild third eyelid: the early three eyelids can disappear after natural detumescence; the upper edge skin of incision can also be pulled by hand for 2 to 3 months to make it loose and droop, and cover the excess double eyelid line.
2. Severe third eyelid: severe cases should be treated with double eyelid failure repair surgery,按原切口切口切口,剥除并消除皱纹,切口下缘皮肤向上越过原睑板与皮肤粘连缝合。
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